Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church is purchasing, reconfiguring, refurbishing, & repurposing a pipe organ for our worship space. This blog chronicles the journey of a "Green" Organ.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Time to “Get ORGAN-ized!”

While construction continues in the sanctuary, and the organ is being worked on by Holtkamp, our fundraising efforts are also kicking into high gear. In May we’ll host a huge auction event—which we hope you’ll be a part of!

“Get ORGAN-ized” will be a fun evening featuring:
  • a delicious dinner created by our own Cordon Bleu certified Chef Leiton Larson (who promises an array of international cuisine from European “organ” countries),
  • a variety of entertainment including our own Paula Lammers, a renowned Twin Cities jazz musican, and
  • live and silent auctions.
It will be held at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church following 5:00 PM worship on Saturday, May 14 from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Everyone in the community is invited, and we need help getting ready!

We’ve already received several big ticket items for the auction, and we need your help to get more! While our donation team continues working hard to acquire items from local businesses, we ask that others also donate items from businesses they own, services they provide, or from local businesses they frequent. We have compiled a list of suggested items we feel will be hot sellers at the auction. Please use your own creativity as well to purchase/donate items that you think will be attractive to bidders.

List of suggested auction item donations:
  • Restaurant gift cards (appropriate for all ages)
  • Sports tickets or memorabilia– Twins, Gophers, etc.
  • Specialty store items – toy stores, book stores, music stores, Target, REI, Mall of America, Williams of Sonoma, Lunds, Trader Joe’s, etc.
  • Gift baskets (Themes often work well, such as: kid’s toys or baby items, gourmet or exotic cuisine, coffee or chocolates, scrapbooking, family game night, camping, grilling, golfing, fishing, etc.)
  • Family entertainment – movies, mini-golf, Nickelodeon Universe, etc.
  • Services – lawn mowing, babysitting, haircuts/styling, spa services, car washing, landscaping, oil changes, 3 hours of handyman services
  • Vacation homes/condos/cabins/B&B’s
  • Airline tickets or miles
  • Cooking – a meal a night for a week
If you wish to donate an item, or have any questions, please contact either Joanie Holton at (651) 460-3522 or or Jane Stubblefield at (952) 432-2718 or to make arrangements.

Thank you for your support of our pipe organ and please save the evening of May 14 - we hope to see you at “Get ORGAN-ized!”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Organ Update from F. Christian Holtkamp

March 9, 2011

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Attn: Pastor Christopher Smith
12650 Johnny Cake Road
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dear Pastor Smith:
Please find enclosed invoice for our work to be done on your pipe organ. Our work progress at this point includes the following: our design engineer has continued to work closely with David Linner so that new construction issues are addressed. The blower has been started and tested. The many blower room components have been manufactured and assembled. Swell shades, frame, roof panels, and enclosure are in the final stages of completion.

Components for the new console for your organ continue to be constructed and assembled. The music rack light and pedal board light has been completed. The key cheeks for the keyboards have been constructed. The console bench has been constructed. Push button components have been constructed.

The zinc for the new bass pipes has arrived in the USA and is waiting for customs to clear it for de livery. All pipe metal casting for new pipes, languids, and mouth inserts has been completed. Construction of the Great 8' Dulciana and the extension for the Choir 8' Bourdon is underway.

Three of the new reed sets arrived at our shop last week: 16' Posaune, 16' Cromome, and 8' Tuba Harmonique. We have revoiced the Swell 16' Bassoon, Swell 8' Trompette, and the majority of the Great 8' Trumpet. The 8' Bourdon rank has been re-scaled and re-voiced.


F. Christian Holtkamp
The Holtkamp Organ Company

Friday, March 11, 2011

Construction Begins!

Construction to reinforce the area where the organ will be began on Monday, March 7! The pipes and organ console are still in Ohio, but progress is being made.

This construction is to reinforce the structure underneath the organ (pipes weigh a lot!). Also, walls absorb a lot of sound, so they will be making the walls more sound-resistant and less sound-absorbing. This way, the sound from the organ goes into the room and not into the wall.

Enjoy the pictures! (Move your mouse over each picture for a caption.)

Before Construction BeginsPutting up the tarp to keep the dust down.

The tarp covering the Organ Chamber (Above the Sacristy)More of the tarp covering the Organ Chamber (Above the Sacristy)

Daylight is shown through the ceiling and wall of the SacristyThe wall is torn down, where the pipe organ painting was.The ceiling in the SacristyThe Music Storage Room is getting ready!Above the Sacristy again.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pipe Organ Stoplist

The Pipe Organ stoplist (sounds that the pipe organ can make) has been finalized. However, not all the pieces on this stoplist will come with the organ this year. Preparations have been made to add an antiphonal organ which will be on the opposite side of the Sanctuary from the main pipes. (An antiphonal organ is a set of pipes away from the main pipes, but controlled by the same keyboard console as the main organ. It is useful for supporting congregational singing.)

There are many codes in the stoplist. For example (pf) means that it is “prepared for,” but will not be part of the organ when it first comes to Shepherd of the Valley. Also, (gt) and (sw) means that this part of the organ is actually on the Great or the Swell and is playable from this particular manual or pedal.

This list, and a list of all pipe organs in the Twin Cities is available from the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists.


City: Apple Valley, MN
Builder: Holtkamp Organ Co
Manuals: III
Divisions: 5
Ranks: 52, (pf) 61
Stops: 41 (pf) 47
Pipes: 3085 (pf) 3549
Action: Pitman, electropneumatic
Date: 1964/2011


16 Violone (1-7 new pipes, 8-61 existing, all on new chests) 61
8 Diapason (Existing pipes on new chests) 61
8 Violone (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 12
8 Dulciana (New pipes and chests) 61
8 Nachthorn (New pipes and chests) 17
8 Rohrbourdon (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
4 Octave (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
4 Openflute (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
II Sesquialtera (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 122
2 Fifteenth (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
IV Mixture 1-1/3 (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests 244
16 Double Trumpet (prepared for)
8 Trumpet (1-44 existing pipes rescaled on new chests,
45-61 new pipes and chests) 61
4 Clarion (New pipes and chests) 12
16 Tuba Harmonique 0
8 Tuba Harmonique (New pipes and chests) 61
8 Reformation Trumpet (pf)
   Great 16
   Great Unison Off
   Antiphonal of Great (pf)


16 Lieblich Gedackt(Existing pipes rescaled, 1-18 on new chests, rest on existing chests) 61
8 Geigen Diapason (New pipes and chests) 61
8 Spitz Viol (Existing pipes, 1-6 new unit) 61
8 Viol Celeste (Existing pipes, 1-6 new unit) 61
8 Hohlflute (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
8 Lieblich Gedackt (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
4 Octave Geigen (New pipes and chests) 61
4 Traverse Flute (New pipes on existing chest) 61
2 Zauberflute (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
III-V Plein Jeu 2-2/3 (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 269
16 Basson (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
8 Trompette (1-12 new pipes, 13-61 existing, on existing chests) 61
8 Hautbois (New pipes on existing chests) 61
16 Tuba Harmonique (Gt)
16 Reformation Trumpet (pf)
16 Double Trumpet (Gt)
8 Tuba Harmonique (Gt)
8 Reformation Trumpet (pf)
8 Trumpet (Gt)
   Sw 16
   Sw Unison Off
   Sw 4
   Antiphonal on Swell


8 Viola Pomposa (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests)
8 Viola Celeste g8 (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 54
8 Bourdon (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
8 Flauto Dolce (Existing pipes, 1-6 new unit) 61
8 Flute Celeste (Existing pipes, 1-6 new unit) 61
4 Octave (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
4 Rohrflute (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
2-2/3 Nazard (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests)
2 Doublette (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
1-3/5 Tierce (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 61
III Scharf 1-1/3 (Existing pipes rescaled on existing chests) 244
16 Cromorne (New pipes and chests) 61
8 English Horn (New pipes on existing chests) 61
8 Cromorne (New pipes and chests) 12
16 Tuba Harmonique (Gt)
8 Tuba Harmonique (Gt)
8 Reformation Trumpet (pf)
   Ch 16
   Ch Unison Off
   Ch 4
   Antiphonal on Choir


8 Gemshorn  (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
8 Flute (1-12 new pipes, rest existing pipes) 61
4 Octave (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 61
4 Flute (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 12
2 Gemshorn (New pipes and chests) 24
8 Reformation Trumpet (New Pipes and chests) 61


32 Violone (12 electronic tones) 0
32 Bourdon Bass (12 electronic tones) 0
16 Principal (1-18 new pipes, 19-32 existing, new chests) 32
16 Violone (Gt)
16 Bourdon (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 32
16 Lieblich Gedackt (Sw)
16 Flute (pf) 12
8 Octave (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 12
8 Violone (Gt)
8 Octave Bourdon (new pipes and chests) 12
8 Nachthorn (1-12 new pipes rescaled on new chests) 32
8 Lieblich Gedackt (Sw)
4 Superoctave (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 32
4 Nachthorn (Existing pipes rescaled on new chests) 12
2 Nachthorn (New pipes and chests) 12
IV Mixture (pf) 128
32 Trombone Bass (12 electric tones) 0
16 Trombone (New pipes and chests) 32
16 Double Trompet (pf) (Gt)
8 Trompette (pf) 32
8 Trombone (New pipes and chests) 12
16 Bassoon (Sw)
8 Bassoon (Sw)
4 Trompette (pf) 12
4 Clairon (Existing pipes on new chests) 12
8 Tuba Harmonique (Gt)
8 Reformation Trumpet (pf) (Ant.)
   Antiphonal on Pedal (pf)